Just surfing around & found a few interesting links:
This wiki is for new teachers new-teacher-resources.wikispaces.com
Here is a link to an article that lists the "top 100 Edu-Twitters"
This site helps schools to network with each other:
While the above coverage has seemed balanced and informative, some blog posts by discussion participants haven't been. Diane Ravitch, in her blog Bridging Differences, worries that:
"Is [the Partnership] an effort on the part of the technology companies to sell more high-tech hardware and software to schools? Is it an effort to throw a wrench into the effort to develop meaningful and reasonable academic standards by replacing them with vague and pleasing-sounding goals?"
The answer is clearly "no." Our goal is ensure every child in America has the 21st century knowledge and skills to succeed as effective citizens, workers and leaders in today's world."