Saturday, January 31, 2009

Some SNA research/writing on teachers

 A few places to start if you are interested in social network analysis (SNA) and teachers:

Michigan Indiana Early Career Teacher (MIECT) Study - A three year study on the social networks of early career teachers. 

New book coming out - one on the authors (Purington) was kind enough to help me a bit with my own research, so I'm paying him back the favor (that's "reciprocity" in social network lingo, LOL):


Friday, January 30, 2009

Networks aren't just online

I study social network theory. I use this perspective to understand how teachers collaborate, communicate, support, share, etc. etc.  What most people think of when they hear of "social networks" is Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, and other web 2.0 technology. While these technologies have made a significant impact in the way we teach, learn, and communicate, they are only one facet of social networks.  I've started this blog as a way to keep track of, share, and learn more about teachers' social networking, professional collaboration, and formal teacher networks. I'll also probably add a few random education topics, especially when they pertain to urban education, "21st century learning," teacher induction/mentoring, and education politics - a few of my other passions. I invite all to read, share your thoughts/ideas and spread the word.